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How to find a good balloon artist

There are some things to look for to see if a balloon artist is a good one​

  • Photos of their work.  Do you like their work on their website?   Look for them in some of their photos so they can prove it is Their work...(pics of us in photos below) I have actually seen some photos some balloon artists show that is NOT their work.  all balloon photos on this site are 100% original and our work unless otherwise said)  Also.. Double points for them in photos taken at restaurants (so you can see get a hint how they present themselves professionally appearance wise) and that leads us to restaurant work

  • Do they do restaurants?  (a link to our weekly restaurant schedule) If they do a restaurant the odds are they know how to manage their time well with whatever time they happen to have.  A skill which lends to other events.  In a restaurant one is forced to take into account how much time one has and make it within the allotted time.   Restaurant work is usually shows what they can make in a short amount of time.   Also you can go to the restaurant to see them to make sure they have a personality while twisting.  Which leads us too....personality..

  • Personality/People skills:  THIS IS A BIG ONE!!! Some people while twisting we call (derogatorily)  'Navel gazers' or 'Shoe lickers'... In other words they just stand there and 'stare at their belly button' or 'look at their shoes' while twisting and do not interact/engage with the people they are twisting for...  Which would you rather have at your event?  An interactive/engaging twister (that entertains while twisting) or one that can't look up to say much more than 'Whaddya want?'  How can you tell if they engage/entertain while twisting???  Go to a restaurant they twist at or if you don't have that kind of time you can do the next suggestion.. CALL THEM....

  • Talk to them:  Don't just look at their work on a website.  By sharing with them your needs over the phone they can assure you they are a good fit.  And listen to your inner voice when you call them.  You can weed out some of the less personality/people skilled twisters by just interacting with them on the phone.  Or better yet, go to one of their restaurants.

  • Insurance:  (try note to fall asleep on this one) Are they insured?  We are!!!  If someone is NOT insured they are not professional enough to do this other than as a hobby?  Example....Companies/Corporations require insurance as a general rule and do not hire twisters unless they are insured.  Why?  By knowing someone is insured your chances of getting a better balloon artist has just increased because The twisting talent they hire reflects on them & the people at big companies/corporations that are hiring the twisting talent know their jobs are on their on the line & that if they don't hire the right twisters they might not be working there for long.   Some of the first words out of their mouths on the phone is 'Are you insured & what other institutions have you worked for?'  Which leads us to references:

  • References:  Who else have they worked for?  were they invited back?  References available on request.

Photos of  our Family with some of our work

Zena with Shawn the sheep

Zena with Shawn the sheep

Zena with Saxaphone

Zena with Saxaphone

Zena with Reindeer

Zena with Reindeer

Zena with Mallard duck

Zena with Mallard duck

Zena with princesses

Zena with princesses

Zena with Easter Bunny

Zena with Easter Bunny

Zena with clown balloon

Zena with clown balloon

Zena with Christmas tree

Zena with Christmas tree

Zena with Bi plane

Zena with Bi plane

Zena with Birthday cake

Zena with Birthday cake

Zena with Bi plane 2

Zena with Bi plane 2

Zena in giant Thomas the Train

Zena in giant Thomas the Train

Savannah with castle

Savannah with castle

Savannah with TowMater

Savannah with TowMater

Minnie Mouse

Minnie Mouse

Me with Kermit the Frog

Me with Kermit the Frog

Me with Eiffel twoer

Me with Eiffel twoer

Me with Cupid with flowers

Me with Cupid with flowers

Me with Balloon Buddy 2

Me with Balloon Buddy 2

Me in Thomas the Train

Me in Thomas the Train

Me in crazy hat

Me in crazy hat

Me in Birthday cake hat

Me in Birthday cake hat

Me in Antique Car

Me in Antique Car

Me as Cowboy with Horse

Me as Cowboy with Horse

Me as Cheerleader with Bronco horse and crown andd sceptor

Me as Cheerleader with Bronco horse and crown andd sceptor

Me in an elephant

Me in an elephant

Me as Buffa the clown

Me as Buffa the clown

Kandi in a moose

Kandi in a moose

Kandi with Giant cake

Kandi with Giant cake

Kandi with Kiwi bird

Kandi with Kiwi bird

Kandi on a Motorcycle

Kandi on a Motorcycle

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